Too little time to do it! I've had tons to blog about but haven't had the time to sit down and do it:(
Here are just a few things I would've blogged about if I had the time:
-the boys Easter egg hunting
-I would upload that video of the Testalicious rockstars... still hoping to get to that one sometime
-Parker's visit to the ER:(.. he got something stuck in his eye and scratched his wittle cornea... sad, sad day!
-Piper dancing constantly! She is a hoot!
-Parker not wanting to go to the ER and saying he hoped they were closed.... so sweet!
I'm sure there's more but I don't even have time now to think about what I don't have time to blog about... make sense?
Anyway, this week is going to be crazy! I would love to have your prayers as I allow God to use me this week/month to bring awareness to the
Invisible Children (IC) of Uganda. Tomorrow I speak to the 5th graders. I'm a little nervous because I've never shared this with an audience as young as they are. Wednesday night I speak to a class at UCA of future principals. Later this month I'm going to be abducted with countless Jr. High kids to help raise awareness of what happens daily in Uganda.
AND... if you see me this month and you're asking yourself, "didn't she have that shirt on last time I saw her?" Chances are you're right. We're all wearing only 2 shirts for the month of April to raise awareness for the IC. I'll wash them (and use lots of perfume;).