We got word a few months after beginning the process that two trips would now be required. Our initial goal was to raise enough funds for our travel ($5000). We planned to use savings and continue to save for the rest of the expenses (approx $20,000). After finding out we would have to make two trips, we knew we were needing to come up with close to $10,000.
We've made about $500 through coffee sales and have so far broke even on t-shirt sales and if we sell all that we've ordered (144), we should make around $1000. We did great with a yard sale and made over $1500. So if you add up the coffee, cans ... the jewelry party and gold party, yard sale... we've raised a little over $4500. BUT that's only if you count all the ways we've tried to raise money. That does not include those of you who have felt led to join us in this journey. God has used a handful of people to sacrificially give. We have been given a little over $4000 from people who decided to use the resources they've been given to give to something so much bigger than themselves. He has placed people in our lives, some I've literally never met, to help write Joleigh's story. She will be loved, fed and held in our home but she has a place in the hearts of SO many. We thank you so much to those of you who could've used the money you gave us to take your family on vacation, to buy something really nice for yourself, to take your families out to dinner, etc. We thank you for storing up your treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. (Matthew 6:19). You have no idea how much your giving has encouraged us. Our family is forever grateful and we cannot wait to share our Joleigh with you all. We are still saving away and picking up every aluminum can we see but we have no doubt He will provide.
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose" Jim Elliot