Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Wonderfully, painful place to be...

God has me in the most AMAZING place of insufficiency where I know that I need Him for absolutely EVERYthing. It is the most unsuccessful place to be but the MOST joyful place to be. Unfortunately this joy is not how you would imagine it to look. I am battered and torn and ever so exhausted but I am right where HE wants me!! I know God is speaking truth to me and has a great work in store for me so of course right now I am experiencing spiritual warfare that is REAL. Please lift up my family in your prayers. Don't pray necessarily for satan to ignore us but for us to feel the presence of God SO powerfully that we will courageously stand our ground! That even against attacks we are able to glorify God in where He is calling us. Thank you to my friends who have been a constant encouragement to me! You know who you are and God has brought you along for the battle and I thank you for doing your part!


Rochelle said...

Praying for God to continue to show His power through your lives. Love you my friend.

Becke' said...

God reveals Himself so beautifully during wilderness experiences. Praying that He will infuse your hearts with courage.

Unknown said...

I am praying for you! I promise that you will make it through this. The mountain you are climbing seems large now but the view from the top will be fantastic! Once you've reached the bottom of the other side, the mountain won't look like a mountain anymore. It's amazing how God does that. Keep praising Him through the storm. His grace is sufficient for you right where you are! Keep leaning on Him and let Him carry you! I can't wait to look back on these days with you sweet friend!