We're still # 51 but I'm really hoping that changes this week. We've got some news from our agency regarding an orphanage they worked with that has now been revoked of their license b/c conditions were not suitable for children. Soooo that means less orphanages to work with which means probably less referrals for a bit.
Our Intentional parenting make over is going GREAT:). We finished the Bible study about Samson last week and the kids really enjoyed it and I truly think they learned a lot. This is the website I'm using to get some of my Bible studies for the kids. Tonight we begin the series of God's Green Thumb. The boys and I are also reading Little Pilgrim's Progress in the evenings and it's been a really neat time for us. I'm so proud b/c we've read a total of 10 books since August (Narnia Series and Ralph the Mouse series;0). That may not be a big deal for you but I was NOT a reader growing up. God graciously let me teach elementary last year and gave me a desire to help my kids develop a love of reading. I want them to enjoy stories, instead of playing video games, etc. And they do! They LOVE when we read. Parker gets our book ready every night. They listen perfectly, b/c they know mommy won't read if they don't. They ask questions that give me wonderful opportunities to teach to their heart. I've already bought a whole series of Little House on the Prairie books from ebay ready to read to Piper and Joleigh:).
So that's pretty much what's been going on around here. Life has been good. Cam is still looking for a job but LOVING his time home with the kids. We know it's a gift from above. God has been so good to us!
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