Today was also Andrew's first day of First Grade. He had a great time! We got his Kindergarten state test back today and he did fantastic!! He only missed 3 questions out of 70. We were very proud:) He told me today he was the quietest kid in class. hehe. He is such an absolute sweetheart. We love you Andrew Reagan. I constantly day dream about who you will become.
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12 hours ago
I've got to know! How did you manage to be there for his first day? It was your first day too wasn't it? I'm so worried about missing Rodney's first day of Kindergaren bc I'll be going back to work at the same time!
Tell me it's possible to do both.
(And congrats on having two very sweet, adorable boys!)
I did work that day but I have the BEST boss who lets us take our children to school. I'm fortunate b/c at the high school, we have the children all meet in the gym for a little orientation @ 8:00 so my first period kids usually don't come to my room until 8:30 ish. Wouldn't miss that first day for all the money in the world:)
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