I am SO proud of myself because I am learning to sew!! I'm really just blindly walking myself through it but it's going pretty well. Unfortunately I never took a Home-Ec class in high school. All of my electives were with Agri:) So I can't sew but I can put together a lawn mower engine... okay Mr. Passmore may disagree with that;0) Maybe I should've taken a couple of Home-Ec classes and not taken Beef and Swine but Oh what fun we had castrating pigs. Seriously though some of my fondest high school memories are all of my years in FFA. LOVED it. For years though I've wanted to learn to sew. When Andrea called all gals to help sew cloth pads for some girls in Ethiopia, I thought THIS.IS.IT!! After successfully making some pads, I went and picked out a pattern and some material and WHALA here's the final product. I definitely made some mistakes and it's not exactly like I wanted but I am very pleased with my first attempt at sewing:) I did have a sweet friend ask "how do you do it all?" to which I chuckled!! So just to clear up any misconceptions.... while I was working on my project Cameron said, "you need to get up and clean something" :) hehe. I should've told him... "hey I took all FFA classes, not homemaking classes":) SO just so you know I'm pretty much a horrible housekeeper. I mean it's not terribly dirty but it's not ever really clean;0)
And I leave you with Andrew's adorable artwork. He read Flat Stanley last weekend and drew a pic from the front cover. SO cute. He didn't trace at all. I was so impressed! AND I just LOVE his little tree. Isn't this cute??!