Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sweet 16!

There were 3 referrals this week so we are now #16 on the waiting list! SO very exciting. I know for a fact there are four families ahead of us wanting sibling groups and I'm assuming there are a few that want boys. SO really it could be anytime! I'm hoping, hoping, HOPING it's this month or at least November but we'll see. Who knows... we may spend Christmas in Ethiopia this year??

I just had to get some pics of us at number 16:) so before church we ran out to the back yard and snapped a few.

If you are interested in buying a shirt... shoot me an email @
We are currently out of turquoise but have some more ordered. THANKS for supporting us and just for being an encouragement to us through this journey!

1 comment:

Rochelle said...

YEAH! So exciting...