Piper LOVES to eat! You have to bribe her away from the table with food... REALLY! She's such a good girl, except when she's eating... she turns into a monster of some sort..... she can be chewing on food and screaming for more all at the same time:).. it's hilarious and rather annoying but oh so sweet.
She's pretty trashy! She loves throwing things in the trash can. She doesn't discriminate... it could be mine, Cam's, the boys or even hers and she'll casually walk over to the big white thing, open the lid and chunk it in! She also LOVES to play with the recycle box. She'll take everything out and put it all back in, piece by piece.
She has very quickly learned how to shake her head NO. If someone like... mmm.. let's say, daddy.. tries to take her from mommy, she is ready with a good firm NO head shake. ;)
She must have monkey or hippo in order to sleep but if she's not ready for bed and she sees you bring monkey or hippo she begins to shake her head violently.. hehehehe... it's SO funny! She'll grab them and throw them on the ground. She gives up quickly BUT it is a sweet little protest!
She loves to be tickled.. she loves to dance! She LOVES to get dirty and eat mud on occasion. She is a little fish when it comes to the water.
Oh how we love her! As I rocked her and prayed over her tonight I prayed that the God of the Universe would see fit to open her eyes to who He is. That He would be glorified in her life. I thanked Him for placing her in our home for the time being!
She is so precious.
What a sweet girl! Those are some cute things you wrote. Anna has really mastered the NO head shake, too. It's funny!
What a sweet post. She is a doll!
What an amazing momma she has! Loved your post.
I'm really going to miss working with you next year:(.
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