Thanks to everyone for voting on our name poll. We really appreciate it, however, as parents we do hold the power of VETO:). Avery was ahead with 25 votes while Danielle and Piper held onto 2nd place with 14 votes. We loved all the names but think Piper Jane fits our wee one perfectly! We really liked the middle name Grace but think that Piper Jane is really sweet and like the idea of being able to call her "PJ" if we choose to.
Piper was also Andrew and Parker's favorite pick, well besides Taweinka and Camalla. After serious thought, we unfortunately had to rule those names out:)
So, there you have it... Piper Jane.... and yes we know it's a love it or hate it name so if you don't love it, we don't want to know:)
Southern Savers Facebook Page Has Been Hacked!
3 hours ago
Once again, betrayed by so-called "democracy." It always turns out this way. That powers-that-be lead you into thinking you have a voice, but then they just go and do whatever they want. How appropriate that you flaunt the will of the people the day after Super Tuesday. I'm so disillusioned.
david felio needs to go into stand up comedy because that there was one funny comment!
Piper Jane Wallace is simply adorable! Truly! I'm seeing the monogramming right now and I'm loving it!
Pipey Pipe and the funchee bunch, the boys like that.
We are at a loss for a name. I thought Emma Grace and I swear, it seems like everyone is calling their kids Emma/Ella/Ava/Abigail & Grace's all of a sudden which makes me rule the name out because it feels to trendy. For boys Jack is still kind of cute, but my heart isn't sold on that either.
We might just steal the name Parky Park and make it neutral, boy or girl that's what we're stickin' with. It's not often you get a name with a hit song tagged along on it, ya know? Would we have to buy copyright permissions from you and Cam, or is Parky Park the sole owner of the rights?
You already know I love it! Piper was on our "pretend girl list" for Sam...we never thought for long he might be a girl...but it was fun to dream! I think it is such a happy name. Congrats on reaching a decision!
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