teaching in an elementary school, that is. The reason I wanted to be a teacher is because I am so burdened for the "underdog" student. In the past the "underdog" student was the juvenille delinquent. I loved my students at the behavioral hospital and I LOVED my students at Jacksonville High. I definitely had the Juvies there... I taught a behavior class (social skills) and literally there was usually an officer that staked out right outside my door. I know God used me in their lives. I had a Godly principal and we would pray for my students often. I was sickened almost daily with grief over the lives that they were living and the families from which they came but oh how I loved those kids. I still do and think of them so often. I keep reminding myself that McKinley is not 18 anymore and if I see him he will be a grown man.
Being an elementary teacher is soooo different. It's literally a different world. I do so miss the older kids but I know that God has a place for me with the younger kids, also. It's so neat to work one of one with some of them and really have an impact on them. I use EVERY opportunity possible to inject character into every lesson. Oh, how they need it. Yesterday as we reading a book, the song Precious Lord was referred to often. It was a sweet book about an old black lady. The kids asked me if I would sing the song to them... I was a little apprehensive because I was a little shy but I thought what a great opportunity for them to hear some rich words. It was such a neat moment I'm sure I'll remember and they'll probably remember, too. God has given me so many special moments with my students. I remember when I taught at Jacksonville some days we would sit in the floor with the lights off and candles going talking their problems... most of these days ended with everyone singing songs like "I love you Lord and I lift my voice". What a sight to behold to walk into my room and see these half grown men with checkered past, and who knows what in the future, singing together. As cheesy and corny as it sounds... it was the most touching moments. I so miss those kids!!! Even though they were not much younger than I was at the time, they were so much like my own children. I had a kid like that at the Jr. High I taught at, too. He actually text messaged me the other day and asked... "am I going to Heaven?" Ohhh.. what a text conversation that led to. I know the Holy Spirit is working in his life, he has been for the past few years. I know that's why I was his teacher. He's a stinker of a student;)... so much of a stinker that he's just so darn lovable. He literally looks at me like I'm his mom. We pray for him a lot, even Andrew does. It's sweet.
Yep, I really like being a teacher.
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19 minutes ago
Great post. It is a blessing to peak in on your life through your heart-felt posts!
I loved reading this, Jenny. God is most definitely using you. I know I've said this before, but I can only hope and pray that Soph has teachers like you when she's in school.
I pray for the same thing for my kiddos when they go to school...being in elementary schools too, you are the kind of teacher i pray for for my little special students also...such a blessing to those little ones, and i am certain you are making just as big of an impact in these younger lives as you did the bigger kids!
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