This morning Parker and I were looking at the sunrise and I started singing to him You are God Alone. He said, "is God really alone?". I said, "well, he's God all by himself." He said, "Is God really by Himself?... I said, "It means He's the only God". He said, "Yea, but Jesus is God, too".... I said, "well, yea, but Jesus is also God's son". He said, "when I get to Heaven I'm not going to know who is who. I won't know which one is God and which one is Jesus because God wears a crown and Jesus wears a crown. God wears a coat and Jesus wears a coat":)... ahhhh, how sweet is that! I'm not sure if they're wearing leather coats but I can't wait to see.
The other day Andrew and I were laying in bed talking about Heaven and Andrew said, "who knows who gets to go to heaven?" I said, "only God knows Andrew, only God knows". I told him that a lot of people think they'll be in Heaven but they won't because they don't really know God and have a relationship with Him. We talked about the book of life and since then Andrew has said several times, "mommy, my name is going to be written in that book"... Oh, I hope so! Isn't that the hope of all parents that are believers? I remember my Grandma Glover had a plaque on her wall that said, "I have no greater joy than to know my children walk with the Lord". That plaque gained a whole new meaning to me when I became a mommy. It's all that really matters. What is the use of life if it's not lived to glorify God.. I pray daily that God will use their lives to glorify Him and that they will come to know Him as their Savior.
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4 hours ago
I love it!
what a great post jenny! thanks for sharing that! our kids really do make us see life differently don't they!
I got teary eyed reading that! So sweet! You have precious boys!
How sweet!
aw so sweet! Love it when kids talk through "deep" stuff with us! Good idea to write it down, it's the stuff we don't ever want to forget!
what sweet boys you have...very sweet post!
Love the background lady! Where'd you find it?
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