I have a FUN husband:) We have the best time together. Cam and I have the same sense of humor and we LAUGH and LAUGH all the time. This past weekend for our date night, we decided to borrow some of the boy's masks and scare some of our friends. Our youth pastor was having a men's night and so we went and TRIED to spook them but they kinda weren't really scared. So we went to Marvin and Pearlie's. We snuck into their backyard... I know.. not very smart but we were counting on the fact that we knew them well enough to hope they weren't packing heat ;0). We got close to the backdoor and there was a doggy door. I thought "jackpot.. I'm gonna stick my head through the doggy door". THEN I see little Cujo come to the door and show some teeth at me. We changed our plans and decided to go to their front door and ring the doorbell. We both turned around and put our hoods on so our backs were facing the door. We heard Marvin tell Pearlie, "I don't know who it is but they got their backs turned". Pearlie said, "don't you open that door". Oh, I ruin everything. I couldn't contain my laughter so Marvin saw my shoulders bouncing up and down and knew it had to be someone he knew. So we turned around screamed and yelled... "Give us all your tea cakes" :) ... it's his speciality. We then had an impromptu visit with the Williams. SO fun:)
Here's some cell phone pics of the masks and tea cake! Can't wait until next date night!!

Now I know for sure, I have got to meet you! Sounds like my kind of fun! I cannot wait to follow your trip to Ethiopia to meet your sweet little Joleigh! Might need to leave your masks at home though!
You guys are silly!
I must say I'm relieved you don't know our address. ;)
Can't wait to meet your newest addition!!!
HYYYYSTERICAL! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! I should give you our address for next time! We'll have brownies and milk waiting. Only if I saw that couple at my door I would probably pass out!=)
Hello! My name is Hope Johnson. I heard from a friend that there was going to be a coupon class in my area. She tried to find out more info, but only found out that it was a fundraiser for your adoption. I read all about your beautiful story. If the class is open to anyone, I would very much like to attend, and I believe I have a friend interested as well. If it's a private event, I completely understand. Either way, I wish you all the best in the fundraising and adoption of your sweet baby girl. God Bless!
ok, you guys are so cool! I love it. Although I don't think I could get away with that in my neighborhood. It's a little too, uh, urban. :)
LOVE THIS! Me and Mr. Sunshine both agree we love us some Jenny and Cam!
hahahah! I love it! sounds like a great idea...may have to steal it sometime!
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