I was reading another blog and the blogger asked this question so I thought I would, too.
Where were you on September 11, 2001?
I was co-teaching 10th grade English at Jacksonville High School. I had to take something to the office and remember walking through the library and seeing something on t.v. I went to my room and told my co-teacher about it and we all watched it together. It was so frightening to me. Just a feeling of helplessness. Just days earlier I had arrived home from Rwanda, Africa. I kept thinking how scared I would've been to still be out of the country.
I was getting ready for work with CNN on in the background and they were talking about the first plane. At that time that didn't know it was a large commercial jet. I thought it was weird and wondered how in a world a pilot managed to not avoid the tower.
I was in the car driving to work when the second plane hit. I remember saying outloud at that point, "Oh my gosh! We're under attack."
I don't remember if I called Jennifer or if she called me, but we were talking as I got to work. She told me the Pentagon had been hit as well. I told her I was more than a little nervous to be going up to the 35th floor of the tallest building in Arkansas - a building that had also been a potential target of Timothy McVeigh's. She told me to go home (she was working at Conway Christian School at the time).
I went up to the office just long enough to tell them I was going to be working from home that day. On the way home the towers fell. I refused to turn on the TV for hours. I really did not want to see the images.
Ugghhh... that just gives me chills David. What a scary day it was and we were in Arkansas... imagine what it would've been like if we were personally touched by tragedy.
My husband (then boyfriend) and I were babysitting our friends little boy while she was giving birth to her second child. I remember he kept wanting to watch "Toy Story" and all I could think about was the fact that I was nearly 4,000 miles away from my family. I called my mom to see if all of my family was ok but we had to keep the call short..the line kept breaking up and I was freaking out. I didn't get to talk to her again for nearly 4 days as the lines were all tied up and no one could get through. I felt so helpless being so far away.
I was working at Children's Hospital. Even there in Arkansas they were preparing to recieve burn patients since it is a huge regional burn center. I remember it being a very HEAVY day, as families were concerned with the very life and death of their babies, they had this hanging over them as well. It was just very quiet and surreal in each room as I went to treat my kiddos.
I was still in bed and Mom had called and Jalyn answered the phone and told us to wake up and turn on the tv. We both sat in the living room on the floor and watched until we had to be at class. It was so crazy. I remember going to school that day and everyone was in a daze.
My husband and I were suppose to be in New york City this day. We do family programs for churches an they cancelled about a week before. We were kind of bothered by this not give us much time to fill there date.
Just 2 months prior we were at the Statue of Liberty. We took our family picture on the deck of the Statue of Liberty. The twin towers were behind us! Then on this day sept. 11 we were in Sam's club getting our film back and that is what we saw. The towers still standing. We were reminded how GOD is our protector and we don't always know why he does what he does, but his is in control. I'm so thankful we were not in NY on this day.
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