We've been in a money dilemma while searching for a vanity/sink. They're just SO darn expensive!! There's actually a discount store right up the road from us that sells plain jain, cheap cabinets. I really didn't want to buy one of them b/c they just weren't pretty BUT we certainly didn't want to spend well over $600.00 on it. I've been searching Craigslist and the classifieds and came across a man who has a warehouse full of all kinds of good stuff for CHEAP:). Tonight we went and picked out a vanity and a granite top. We also got a medicine cabinet with a mirror and a light to go over the tub. The items the man has for sale are all new, some with dings but many that were just special ordered and brought back or discontinued. The vanity we bought was a store display model. We ended up spending $285.00 on everything! We were super excited!
It's been a DAY for me... it all began when I remembered that my dad had told me we needed to make sure to put some insulation on the outside of the house right under the roofing before the siding was put up. Cam had already gone to work which meant the dirty job belonged to me. SOoooooo... before going to work this morning, I put in some
hard labor as a insulator. Did you know it was below 30 degrees this morning? Believe me... it was! So here's the run down.... I had to maneuver our 12 ft ladder down from the garage wall (okay, Cam says it's really 8 ft but does that really matter?). I then had to cut pieces of insulation to fit the areas I was needing to insulate... here comes the scary part... finding a flat part of the ground to lean the ladder against. Being the alarmist I am, I was preparing for a fall. I was holding on dearly to that puffy, itchy stuff hoping it would help break my fall. Fortunately, I didn't fall BUT I did come close to freezing to death AND I am still ITCHING horribly. I think I got a little in my eye, too. It's been killing me all day. Here's the kicker.... if you'll notice in the pics below our siding guy never got up to the top of the house!!!!! WHAT? I froze and almost died for nothing. Say it aint so!