Now, I am a pretty cheap spender and always look for a deal. I get so upset when I've bought groceries and they're bad. Although I want to take it back and cause a stink, I usually just throw it away BUT this ham was $12.00. I mean, I could've eaten at Zaxby's like twice for that!!! So after cooking the ham the day before the sell or freeze by date... I realize it's ruined and slimy. I just couldn't let it go. Today, Cam and I go to Wal-Mart and I told him I'm gonna tell them that I've let other things slide by but not this one!!! I mean $12.00. As we pull into the parking lot, I sort of lose my gumption and beg him to take the empty ham wrapper with the fish net stocking that went around it with the price tag hanging off. Piper and I walk 10 feet ahead of him.... snickering while he's waiting for the elderly greeter to tag his trashy wrapper. It was taking forever. Piper and I made it almost clear to the ladie's section before that thing was tagged. I kept looking back laughing and every time I looked back he gave me this EVIL stare. I literally couldn't quit laughing... then I get to thinking that I'm probably embarrassing myself more by laughing than I would be if I were taking back the empty, trashy fish net wrapper... anyway... so Cam waits in line at the returns desk and one of his old bosses came by and said, "How are you doing?" as they glanced down at the trash in hand with a sticker waiting to be returned. Then the dreaded "you'll have to get an exchange" comment came from the lady behind the counter who looked disgusted by the empty wrapper. She asked him, "So did you eat it, keep it or throw it out?" seriously, like it even matters! At the end of the trip I eventually had to go up to the counter with my new ham in hand to get the exchange taken care of because Cam conveniently left his ID at home... I'm sure there were a few "white trash" comments thrown around about us after we left BUT at least we got a new ham:).
Poor Poor Cam.
That is a very comical post!
I tried to take back sour milk once- it had two weeks before the date on it, and it was foul smelling! I hate bad smells, so that's the worst... and when I took it to them, they asked me WHY I brought back the rotten milk. I told them that I had called first and was told I had to bring the full container to prove it was ruined. They just do not know, do they?
hahaaha! this is a great story! I can't tell you how many times I have ran full speed ahead into a situation like that, the "retreated" at the last minute, leaving MAtt with it. But the trashy netting stuff is hilarious!
OMG! Josh would've killed me! He would have made ME do the dirty deed!
That is hilarious!! Terry definitely would have made me do it (and i would have!)
thank you for that post. i laughed out loud!
Great story!
I hate confrontation and any situation where I think someone might not be entirely happy with me when it's all over. I'm so thankful when David takes those!
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