Here are some pics I've taken over the past couple of weeks but am just now taking time to upload. Parker and Andrew had a great time trick or treating this year. Andrew was the "Red Ranger" and Park was "Buzz Likeyear:)". It's so great that they're still young and naive... they still have almost all of their candy left. Cam and I told them they could have 3 pieces a day... so for about 3 days they went by that rule and have kind of forgotten about it:). The rest of the pics are from Cam's mother's house. She has a beautiful yellow tree out front. As soon as Andrew saw it he said, "Is it FALL?" :)
Speaking of... we're keeping Andrew home after Thanksgiving and having him start Kindergarten next year. I've been a little uneasy with him being in Kindergarten because he's the youngest there and not just by a little bit but most are already 6 or just about to be 6 and Andrew just turned 5. I talked to his teacher and the principal and they both think logically he should stay because he's doing well academically and socially but they both understand my concerns as a mommy:). Andrew is super excited about staying home (he likes Kindergarten and has never complained but would really like to be home, too:). Parker is pretty pumped, too! Mrs. Mindy is going to continue to homeschool him with the curriculum she was using last year. It's really been a great experience for him and he's really enjoyed it but I'd feel much more comfortable with him being one of the older kids instead of the youngest. Another thing that played a huge role in our decision was that this year there are tons of boys. Andrew has 18 kids in his class and 12 are boys. All of our Kindergarten classes are that way this year and it concerned us for Andrew when he's older. I also think Andrew will be entirely too young at the age of 17 to leave his mommy:( and for sure will need another year... or maybe it's me that will need another year:).
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13 hours ago
those pics rock and so does the buzz costume.
piper is so cute.
Piper looks so much like I remebe Cameron looking as a little boy. Your family is beautiful!
Paige (Collins) Condray
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