Yesterday at work, I was paged to go to the office. When I got there, I saw the nurse holding little Andrew's hand. She was worried about him because he said he was HOT but when she took his temp it wasn't even 94 degrees. He was as white as a ghost. I noticed he had a bandaid on his elbow and asked him about it and soon discovered it was the problem. He fell at recess and was bleeding. He said that after he touched his elbow he saw the blood and then everything got bright and he couldn't see. He was just about to pass out.... yep, he's just like his daddy. I won't mention any names..cough.. Cameron.. cough.. but someone passed out in the hallway of the eye doctor's office after getting their eyes dilated. Looks like little JuJu is gonna be just like daddy.
He also had a pretty bad cough for the last few days, no fever, but a bad cough so I decided to take him to the doc yesterday and she said he probably had croup. He started running fever last night and has had a fever almost all day today. I took off today to take care of him. He's just been pitiful all day. His fever would've probably gone away if he hadn't hid the two Ibuprofen pills I gave him behind the couch cushion:0/. I told him he better be glad his fever was 102 or he'd be getting it!!

Parker and I went out this morning to play in the cool morning air. He kept running in to check on Andrew:) he loves his big brother. Tonight, after Andrew's fever broke, they went running around the back yard. It was pitch black, they both had on their super hero capes and were on a mission:). I took some video but am too lazy to upload, I'm actually too lazy to upload pics, too.. these were all taken with my iPhone.
For those of you curious about the spider situation at our house... look what we found on baby Piper's head...OMGoodness! No, really she was just getting a feel for different costume ideas for Halloween:). I personally think she should go as Mr. Potato Head's Sweet-thang:).

Also, Happy 5 MONTH Piper!! Yesterday was her 5 month b-day. I took her to the doc last week and they were teasing me that she's probably going to tower over me because she's currently in the 85% percentile for height. She also weighed 15 lbs. She's a healthy girl. She's not crawling but she's a highly mobile rolly polly.
Poor Andrew! You know, Travis is just like that too. What is it with these men and blood?
The spider on little Piper's head reminded me that when Ally was 6 months old we took the kiddos camping and when work up in our tent one morning, what was right in the center of my sweet babies head... a tick!! I screamed and think woke up the whole campsite.
Piper is a doll!!!
That cracks me up! I didn't know Cameron was so squeemish! That could've been fun in the old days. Hey have you heard from Jalyn????
Yep, David's the squeamish one around here too. Men! I guess that's why moms are always the ones to fix the boo-boos.
If Piper wants to be a pink poodle for Halloween, I have a costume from a bag of clothes someone at church gave me. I've been meaning to get it to you to see if you want anything out of it. We're just supposed to pass it around.
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