I sadly accept my award as worst mommy ever:(. This morning I was attempting to cut sissy's fingernails and gave her her first boo boo (forgive the blurry pic, it's from my phone). I felt horrible and my family wasn't too forgiving. Parker kept asking, "why did you cut her finger?" Bless her heart! It really bled a lot. To make matters worse, I didn't have any cute girly bandaids. You know, like strawberry shortcake, hello kitty, etc. She was stuck wearing a Batman bandaid. I'm sorry Piper:(!!
Don't be too hard on yourself. Every mom has those unintentional moments where they hurt their kids. It breaks my heart too! I can admit that I have in the attempt to make them safe, buckled them in a shopping cart and accidently pinched their belly, or carried them through a door frame, just to bonk their head right into. I have even locked them in the car :( You are a great mom! I am sure she was over it fast after the millions of kisses you must have given her!
Oooh, I've been worried about that. For awhile neither David nor I was brave enough to trim Anna's nails (YOU do it... no, YOU do it...); meanwhile she was clawing herself (and us) to bits. I think we've finally settled on I clip Anna's nails, but David has to clip Sasha's.
I didn't clip Brianna's nails until she was 3 or 4 months old.I waited til they were long enough to peel off. I was afraid of hurting her. One of her grandmas got so annoyed with me;)They can be very possessive of their grandbabies;)
oh I've so did the same thing! I know it's gross...but I sometimes bite my babies nails....I know, I know, it's nasty!
But really, you need to go out and buy some hello kitty bandaids if you plan on doing that again! LOL...
When Tristan & Logan were little babies, I always just bit their nails off instead of cutting them. But I did always make sure their hands were clean first! :)
I was just reading over your latest blogs. I'm so glad to hear that you all are enjoying each other so much. I wanted to let you know that I did the SAME thing to baby Max a few months ago...I was on the last finger...and clipped the tip of it. He cried for a few minutes, then I think he forgot about it and realized he was hungry...after eating he was fine...He wore a Dora band-aid, I think! (Thanks, big sissy!) My bunch was hard on me, too. But, since then, no one has even offered to help do it for me. I have started using the tiny fingernail scissors...they are easier to use, but not quite as accurate. Take care!!!
Don't feel bad, I have done the same thing...among some of the other things Amanda mentioned! :)
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