Parker has been attached to baby Piper since she got home. He told me yesterday, "I just can't get enough of Piper Jane". He wants to kiss her all of the time. On another note... Parker was about to get a spanking tonight for getting out of bed and when Cameron asked him, "do you know why you're getting a spanking?" Parker said, "I smell chips". Cam had been eating chips in the living room:) Cam asked again, "do you know why you're getting a spanking?" Parker said, "because I want chips".
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3 hours ago
Hilarious...Piper Jane is beautiful! Comments like those make it so hard to discipline them. They just lay it all out there! Too bad they aren't big and can just get chips when they want them!
That is too cute! All of it!
sweet pictures and oh so funny stories!
So cute! She is adorable. Parker sounds like he knows how much you guys are holding out on him!
hehehe:) yea, we always pull out the good stuff after they go to bed. It's like the house turns into junk food heaven after 9:00:)
HA HA-so funny! we do the same thing with our junk food! our little cheap "date" is getting cheese dip from the mexican restaurant near our house after the kids go to bed. so we've heard the "i smell chips" line before too!
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