Tonight I'm going out to eat with my friend Anita. I'm really excited about it. It's been over a year since I've been out with a girlfriend without the kiddos!
The boys played with playdough today. Andrew made a little red man with a white smile:) and then made him a house with a roof and a front porch. Parker made himself a little baby. I can't tell you how many times I've been told, "Shhhhhh... my baby is sleeping!" That never seems to work when I say it:/
While I was taking a bath today, Andrew brought me a water gun and said, "here you go, in case you want to play with it in the tub":).... it was kind of fun!!!
First off, you are a good mama for letting your boys play with play-doh. PROPS TO YOU!!!
Second, water play in the tub is always a good choice.
Third off, where did ya'll go eat?
i had SUCH a great time seeing you!! we need to do it again soon(before a year is up!)
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