I've been really doing well with this "cohabitation" we've been doing with these brown recluse.... okay, so I've only been doing well because we hadn't seen anymore. Well today was over the top... I was on my bed with Andrew and guess what I see crawling... yep, a brown recluse... how scary! I killed it, they're fast little boogers. I am a little flipped out by it all. While I was running around the house trying to clean every crack and corner, Cameron was laying down little Miss Piper. Where did he lay her down, you ask.... OUR BED!!! WHAT??????? Craziness!!
Well, I'm off to bed... wish me luck!! (I feel like I'm part of a horror movie with some really scary music playing in the background)
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47 minutes ago
That would freak me out too! Anna told me today that there was a spider on the TV. I ran in there and it was Ursula from the Little Mermaid...
your boys are very, very funny. and whatever about tar-zhay. what a rip off.
how the heck can you do fraud on a coupon printed off the computer? may the batteries in that overpriced batcave never quit on you!
We all have spiders in our houses, but I am not sure about the recluses! Travis sprays our house for spiders, does Cameron do that?
HI jenny! Love you blog, your kidds are so cute and precious. The spider thing was on my 14 list that i put on my new blog. Thats one thing i love about being married. Come see us at sareagan.blogspot. Its not very interesting yet, but i love having links to other bloggers. Have a good day! btw.. i'm not real happy with target neither.
When is the exterminator coming? EEK!
The exterminator has already come:(
are you sure it's a recluse? i mean, they don't usually come out like that, do they, since they are...recluse? maybe you can catch one and look for a pic. of it in a book. your boys would love that! anyway, we've had some HUGE spiders in this house since we've moved, and the bug man said they're hard to kill because they don't lick their legs with the poison on them like bugs do (nice, huh!?)
this is really anita (i was just too lazy to switch accounts!)
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